Sunday, May 9, 2010

TEST on attitude

TEST on attitude
The amount of success you have in life is strongly related to the attitude you have towards success. So what is your attitude towards success? What does that mean for you? Take the 5-minute test below; you may be surprised at the results you get.
Select one of the three answers to the questions below, and then compute your score based on the instructions at the end of the test
(A) I have a clear idea of what success means to me.
(B) I have no idea what success means to me.
(C) I have somewhat of an idea what success means to me.
(A) I always seek advice and feedback.
(B) I never seek advice and feedback.
(C) Sometimes I seek advice and feedback.
(A) I never give up something I enjoy now, for something better in the future.
(B) Sometimes I give up something I enjoy now, for something better in the future.
(C) I always give up something I enjoy now, for something better in the future.
(A) When I have a setback or rejection, I give up and quit.
(B) When I have a setback or rejection, I learn from it and try again.
(C) Sometime setbacks or rejection causes me to quit, other times I try again.
(A) I believe I will be successful.
(B) I believe I will never be successful.
(C) Maybe I will be successful, maybe I will not.
(A) I am always fully prepared for the things I do.
(B) I am never prepared for the things I do.
(C) Sometimes I am prepared and other times I am not.
(A) I would never take a risk, I only want sure things.
(B) I am somewhat open to taking risks.
(C) I am willing to take risks if the rewards seem worth it.
(A) What happens in my life is not my responsibility.
(B) What happens in my life is somewhat my responsibility.
(C) What happens in my life is totally my responsibility.
(A) Change always brings me new opportunities.
(B) Change never brings me new opportunities.
(C) Change sometimes brings me new opportunities.
(A) I go all out when I am working on something.
(B) I hold back somewhat when I am working on something.
(C) I never go all out when I am working on something.

Scoring: Give yourself the following points for the answer you chose on each question:
(1) A +1, B -1, C 0
(2) A +1,B -1,C 0
(3) A +1, B 0, C -1
(4) A -1, B +1,C 0
(5) A +1, B -1, C 0
(6) A +1, B -1,C 0
(7) A -1, B 0, C +1
(8)A -1,B 0,C +1
(9) A +1,B -1, C 0
(10) A +1, B 0,C -1.

Answers with a plus one, were the correct response if you are to be truly successful. Now add up you points. If you score was between 6 and 10 you are well on your way to success. If your score was between 5 and zero, you need to fine-tune your attitude towards success. If your score was below zero, you need to give some serious thought to how your attitude towards success is holding you back.
Here are some things to look at when you consider what attitude you should have towards success.
The most important thing you can do to have an attitude that will help you succeed, is to know what success means to you.

uccess means different things to different people and only you can define what you really want.

Once you have determined what being successful means to you, it becomes easier to set goals and take actions that will move you toward your goal.

In order to maximize your chance of being successful, you will have to adopt an attitude of taking 100% responsibility for everything that happens to you in your life.

This puts you in the position of taking control of your life and will force you to make decisions and take actions you might avoid if you think your fate lies in the hands of someone else such as the government, fate or your family.

You should even take responsibility for problems you have that you are sure aren't your fault

This avoids a "victim" mentality and boosts your self-esteem.

A belief that your success is a result of fate, or some other forces, will stop you from setting goals, making plans or taking other steps that will put your life on a course of your choosing.

Giving others the power to determine your success, limits your chance of being happy, and even robs you of any enjoyment of the success you might have, as you will believe you didn't earn it.

One of the strongest predictors of success has been proven to be the ability to defer short-term satisfaction, for a larger reward later.

Develop the ability to put off short-term satisfaction that interferes with your longer-term goals (you do have long term goals don't you?) or long term vision?.

Ice cream today doesn't jibe with your long-term weight loss. Keep your long term goals in mind and constantly ask yourself if the action you are about to take, will move you closer or further away from your long term goal.

Change is absolutely required for you to be successful.

If you are not successful now, you and or events have to be different to create success. If nothing changes, nothing changes and success is something different, so change is required for it to appear.

People, who feel that the only kind of change they like is the change in their pocket, are freezing themselves into obscurity.

The world changes daily, and if you are not changing at least at the rate the world changes, you are falling behind.

Thus the status quo becomes the status behind, as soon as a new day starts.

Change is inevitable, you need to find a way to make it work for you, or it will work against you, even if you take no action at all.

Success requires enormous preparation and energy, it will not come easy, so if you are holding back for a sign you are going to be successful, before you commit, you will never make it. Remember, everything worthwhile is hard at first, but you have to do it in order to make it and still there is no guarantee of success.

The only guarantee is that if you don't do it, you are guaranteed not to make it.
You must look into the future and see yourself being successful, if in fact you are going to be successful.

This vision is required to serve as a guide to show you the path to follow and help you stay on course. Your belief in this area is self-fulfilling.

If you see yourself failing, you will fail, if you see yourself succeeding, you will succeed.

Your belief sets the course and you can choose which course it is.

Use affirmations and visualizations to help you establish this positive vision of your success.
Rejection is part of the process of becoming successful.

Very few people have an idea or talent everyone wants.

Your job is to work through the rejections and find those people that are looking for your idea. Focus on the wins, not the losses.

Scoreboards show wins not losses, as that is what the world cares about and you should be the same way.

It has been said that success lies just beyond the spot you last fell, and that should be your guiding principle.

Learn from your losses and "fail forward", past the rejection into the success zone.

Ask for help and advice and be open to feedback as you pursue your success.

Don't reinvent the wheel each day.

Remember every problem you have, someone else has had before, and they have put the answer in a book or on a website, or in the mind of someone near you. The answer to your problem is out there; all you have to do is ask for it.

Well have you changed you attitude towards success as result of this article? Perhaps now you will better understand that your thoughts control your actions and you actions control the outcomes you get in life.

The thoughts you have are under your control, so in many ways the outcomes you get in life are as well. Remember you are never given an idea without also being given the ability to make it happen.

Begin looking for the ideas you've been given and find those abilities you have that go with them.

Do that and you'll be on your way to successes beyond your wildest dreams.

Edward W. Smith is the author of Sixty Seconds To Success, he produces and hosts the Bright Moment cable TV and internet radio show, is president of the Bright Moment Seminars, is a motivational speaker, and publishes the free, daily,

A Blueprint for Success

A Blueprint for Success
Click picture to make it Zoom

What Is Success?

Have you ever stopped to think about what it really means to be successful?
In today's materialistic society, many people equate a person’s success to the size of
their bank account. But is this
an accurate indicator of success?
Consider these examples:
Example 1: Dr Smith
Dr Smith is an orthopedic surgeon.
He drives a top of the range BMW and earns over $250,000 each year. His normal
workday begins at 7 a.m. with operations at a private hospital. By 10 a.m. he arrives
at his consulting rooms where he sees patients until 6 p.m.
At 7 p.m. he returns to the hospital to complete his rounds and paperwork. He
generally gets home around 9:30 p.m. and usually works six days a week. Dr Smith
is married and has two young children who rarely see their father.
Is Dr Smith a success?

No - To many people, Dr Smith appears to be successful, but his career
achievements comes at a very high price which includes his personal health and
family life.
Examples 2: Mike Jones

Mike Jones appeared on a popular reality television program. Thanks to his
undeniable singing ability, good looks, and charisma, he won the national
competition and his debut album rocketed to number one.
He was immediately thrust into the world of celebrity and vowed to make the most
of his time in the spotlight. One year after the competition, Mike Jones’ records are
still selling strongly but his national tour is postponed amid rumors of his ongoing
battle with drugs and alcohol.
names are used for the purpose of illustrating examples, any resemblance to actual persons is entirely coincidental Fictitious
names are used for the purpose of illustrating examples, any resemblance to actual persons is entirely coincidental
Is Mike Jones a success?

No - Mike Jones has fame and fortune but his personal life is a disaster.
These two examples illustrate the point that there is more to success than just the
number of digits in a person's bank balance.
True success
is not something you buy, but rather, something that you build over
And as with any building project, your success is very much dependent on having a
good blueprint to follow.
A Blueprint for Success
Here is my favorite definition of success:

“A successful person is one who has health,
love, money, personal fulfillment and
makes a valuable contribution to the world”

An easy way to remember this definition is to think of success as a platform
supported by 5 pillars as shown below.

The 5 Pillars Of Success

Pillar 1 – Health

Our health is something we often take for granted. However, the moment we
become ill or injured we immediately realize just how important our health really is.
In addition to supporting our daily activities, there are two reasons why health is so
important to achieving success.
The first is that getting fit requires many of the characteristics necessary to achieve
success in any endeavor, these include focus, discipline, and consistency. Therefore,
improving your health is the ideal ‘training ground’ for achieving goals in other
areas of your life.
The second reason health is so important to achieving success is that
your self-confidence and self-esteem more than improving your fitness level.
Pillar 2 – Love
In my opinion,
most important thing in life is to spend time with the people you
love. Imagine for a moment, an old man lying on his deathbed. Is it likely that his
last words will be, "I wish I spent more time at the office"
It is much more likely his regrets will relate to not spending more time with his
family and closest friends.
Pillar 3 – Money
Money is not an end in itself. Simply having a lot of money sitting in a bank account
is no great achievement. The true value of money comes from the opportunities it
provides. Opportunities to live, learn, grow, and most importantly, to help others.
Pillar 4 - Personal Fulfillment
This pillar relates to the things you’ve always wanted to do just for yourself. It often
includes goals such as learning to play a musical instrument, traveling to exciting
locations or perhaps learning a second language.
Pillar 5 – Contribution
The final pillar of your success platform is the pillar of contribution. This pillar
relates to the positive contribution you make to the people, community, and world around you.

Success Profiles

Using the definition of success described in the previous section, everyone has a
success profile that describes where they are today. This profile is a useful tool for
identifying the areas of your life you need to work on.

For example, let's consider Dr Smith who we met at the beginning of this report.
Given his current lifestyle, Dr Smith’s success profile would look something like this
Click picture to make it Zoom

Due to his demanding work schedule, Dr Smith completely ignores his personal
health and as we’ve already scene, he spends very little time with his family.
Although Dr Smith has raised his success platform to a high level, it is clearly
unstable. For Dr Smith, the big danger is this…

Click picture to make it Zoom
The main areas that Dr Smith needs to focus on to make his success platform stable are his personal health and his relationships.
If he does not build these pillars, his success platform may indeed collapse. This
could take the form of a unforeseen illness or a traumatic divorce...

Your Success Profile

The first step to creating the life of your dreams is to figure out where you are starting from today.

Drawing Your Success Profile
Use your answers to draw your own success profile below. For example if you put
down a 6 out of 10 for your health, then draw your health column up to the 6 line.

Please don’t worry if your success platform is unstable or is not as high as you
would like. This exercise is all about finding out where you are today and
identifying the areas of your life that you need to work on.
When you have drawn your success profile....
Identifying Your Goals
The final step of the process is to review your answers to the previous questions and
identify your specific goals.
To achieve this blue print of success..Click here
To download pdf file complete of blue print to success click here

Where Is Your Focus?

Where Is Your Focus?
Today I’d like to look at another aspect of focus and ask you to think about where your focus currently lies.There are three different types of focus:
(1) Past Focus
(2) Present Focus
(3) Future Focus

(1) Past Focus
People who have a past focus, spend most of their time analyzing events that occurred in the past. They think about these events constantly and often relive past experiences over and over again. They talk about "The way things used to be" or "What I used to do…" and often find it hard to let go of specific incidents. The danger of focusing on the past too much is that you may end up actually ‘living’ in the past instead of the present.
(2) Present Focus
People who have a present focus spend all their time dealing with day-to-day activities. They do not dwell on the past, nor do they think about the future. Instead they simply react to what life brings them on a daily basis. They are always extremely busy ‘fighting fires’ but do not stop to think about where they are really going.
(3) Future Focus
People who have a future focus understand that regularly thinking about and visualizing the future you want is the crucial first step to making your dreams a reality.To some extent we all reflect on our past and get caught up in day-to-day events, however, in order to move ahead and achieve your dreams you must learn to shift your focus to your future on a regular basis.
Action Steps:
This week, ask yourself these questions to determine where your focus currently lies.
(1) Do you spend a lot of time thinking about the past?
If so, then remember the old saying that "today really is the first day of the rest of your life." Whatever has happened – try and let it go. Nothing in your past is as important as figuring out what you want from your future.
(2) Are you busy focusing on day-to-day fire fighting?
If so, then try and schedule some time into your program to review where you are and clarify where you are heading.
Do you want to know the blue print of success??? Click here

Your Escape Tunnel

Your Escape Tunnel
Click picture to make it zoom

In today’s pressure-filled society, it is easy to feel as though you are trapped inside ‘The System’.
Many people feel trapped by their job and their financial circumstances and find themselves yearning for freedom.
This freedom involves not only financial freedom,
but also the freedom to do what you want,
when you wan
with who you want.
Perhaps you can relate to the following picture?Click picture to make it zoom
In an effort to break free from ‘The System’, many people investigate different options for creating passive income such as
share trading,

property investing,

network marketing or

starting a business.

Each of these options is like starting to dig an escape tunnel that can lead you to freedom from the system as shown below.Click picture to make it zoom
But here is the biggest mistake mistake that people make…
They begin to dig their escape tunnel and initially make some progress, but then things start to get tough, so they give up on their tunnel and decide to start digging a different tunnel.
For example, you buy an investment property and then have a bad experience with a tenant. At the same time you hear about a ‘revolutionary’ new share trading system that is guaranteed to work, so you stop digging your property investing tunnel and start digging a share trading tunnel.
This situation is sometimes known as ‘opportunity hopping’
The problem with opportunity hopping is that the end result is usually this:Click picture to make it zoom
You end up doing a lot of digging but remain trapped in ‘The System’ with multiple escape tunnels that lead nowhere.
So what’s the answer?
The answer is FOCUS.
To achieve the freedom you desire, you must carefully review your options and then commit yourself to focusing on the tunnel that you believe will give you the best chance of success.
By committing to one tunnel and focusing all your energies on consistent digging,
you will maximize your chances of achieving the freedom you and your family deserve.
but where is your focus??? Click here
Click picture to make it zoom
Action Steps:
This week, take time to really sit down and review all the ‘projects’ and ‘ideas’ you have been working on and ask yourself these two important questions.
(1) Which opportunity am I most passionate about?

(2) Which opportunity do I believe offers me the greatest chance of success?

When you can answer these two questions, commit to your escape tunnel and keep digging!

Busy or Productive?

Busy or Productive?
One of the best ways to accelerate your progress towards achieving your most important goals (bigger or smaller) is to understand the difference between being busy and being productive.
These days everyone is busy. We’re busy with work commitments, family commitments, community commitments and study commitments just to name a few. We all seem to start each day with a long and demanding ‘To Do’ list.
The big question is Are the items on your ‘To Do’ list leading you towards achieving your most important goals?
Being truly productive does not involve simply getting a lot of tasks done. It involves identifying and completing the specific tasks that will lead you where you really want to go.
A great question to ask yourself at the end of each day is:
"Am I a step closer to achieving my goals than I was this morning?"
If the answer to this question is "Yes" then you’ve had a productive day. If the answer is "No" then chances are you’ve been very busy but not really productive.

The best way to make the transition from being busy to being productive is to follow these steps:
Step 1: Identify your most important current goals

Step 2: Determine the specific tasks that will move you a step closer to achieving each of your goals

Step 3: Schedule these tasks early in your day when you’re fresh and alert

For example, when I was a computer consultant, I was working up to 70 hours a week but deep down I knew that my actions were not taking me any closer to achieving my goals. I felt like a duck swimming against a fast flowing river. I was paddling as hard as I could but I just wasn’t getting anywhere.

Finally I realized what the problem was – I was always busy but never productive.

To break this pattern I set aside one hour a day as ‘My Time’ to work on my own business. This wasn’t always easy to find but I loved the feeling that came from knowing I was doing something productive each day to achieve my goals.

Eventually those one hour blocks of time led to the creation of which in turn helped me to walk away from the corporate world.

how your escape tunnel work???- Click here

So I encourage you today to make the transition from being busy to being productive by following the three steps above. When you know what your goals are and you commit to taking a productive step towards achieving them each day, your success really is just a matter of time.

How To Predict Your Future

How To Predict Your Future
For thousands of years people have been searching for a way to accurately predict their future.
Some believe that the motion of the stars and planets somehow influence our destinies. Others speculate that the lines on an individual’s palm or the arrangement of tea leaves in the bottom of a cup can provide an insight into what lies ahead.
Unfortunately, none of these systems have a very high success rate. However, there is one way to predict your future with incredible accuracy.
The most effective technique for predicting your future does not involve creating a Numerological Chart. Instead it involves creating a Habitual Activity Chart.
Here’s how it works.
A Habitual Activity Chart contains 21 cells that each represent a specific block of time outside of your working hours.Click picture to make it zoom
More than anything else, it is the regular weekly activities that you pursue during these blocks of time that will determine the nature of your future.
Let’s take a look at an example so that you can see exactly how this works.
example only

When Lucy sat down to predict her future by creating a Habitual Activity Chart, she thought about the activities that she pursued on a regular basis during the week.
Her initial chart looked like this:Click picture to make it zoom
As Lucy’s Habitual Activity Chart shows, her main weekly habits outside of work hours involved stopping off for a coffee and croissant each morning, having lunch with her fellow teachers at lunchtime and relaxing in the evenings in front of the television.
When Lucy assessed her Habitual Activity Chart, she asked herself the important question:
“What will my future look like if I continue to pursue these habits?”
Lucy realized that her current weekly habits were leading her towards a future that she didn’t really like the look of.
She was also surprised to find that her habits were in no way aligned with the most important goals in her life which were:
(1) To write a children’s book
(2) To get fit
(3) To find her life partner
Lucy therefore decided to make some changes. Her revised Habitual Activity Chart looked like this:Click picture to make it zoom
Lucy changed her morning routine to spend an hour each day working on her book. She also decided to use the school gym at lunchtime three times a week and set aside some time to make dating a priority.
By changing her Habitual Activity Chart, Lucy was able to change directions and establish the habits that would lead her to a new future that was more in line with her most important goals.
Now it’s your turn…
To download a blank Habitual Activity Chart, please Click Here.
By creating your own Habitual Activity Cart and learning to analyze your weekly habits, you too can quickly gain a powerful insight into what the future has in store for you.
The most exciting part about this technique is that if you don’t like the future that your current habits are leading you towards, all you have to do is change your habits find some opportunity that make your goal come here
Remember, your weekly habits crystallize to form your character, and ultimately it is your character that determines your future in life.
Are you busy or productive??- click here

Pay Your Dreams First

Pay Your Dreams First
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Pay yourself first” – It usually relates to the idea of saving a percentage of your paycheck as soon as you receive it and then living on the remainder. This is a much more effective approach than trying to save whatever is left over at the end of the month because we all know that there’s rarely anything ‘left over’.
What many people don’t realize is that this same principle applies not only to money but also to time and energy.
When you’re working full time and/or raising a family, you may find that at the end of the day you just don’t have enough time or energy left to work on achieving your personal goals and dreams.
In order to make your goals a reality, you must make two important decisions:
(1) Decide that your goals are important and make them a priority in your life.
(2) Decide to work on YOUR dreams before you work for other people.
Now you might be thinking. “Randy – that sounds good in theory, but what does it mean in the real world?” – Good question…Let’s have a look at an example:
Here is a typical work day for most people:




Wake up and get ready for work


Travel to work

9:00am – 6:00pm

Work for other people



8:00pm – 11.00pm

Spend time with family / watch TV etc


Go to sleep

The most practical and effective system for making your dreams a reality is this:
Step 1: Go to sleep an hour earlier than usual
Step 2: Wake up an hour earlier than usual
Step 3: Spend the first hour of your day working on your personal goals and dreams By following this system, you make your goals a priority and “Pay Your Dreams First”
Let’s look at a revised timetable:




Wake up and get ready for work


Work on your goals and dreams


Travel to work

9:00am – 6:00pm

Work for other people



8:00pm – 10.00pm

Spend time with family / watch TV etc


Go to sleep

Although it might initially be difficult to make these lifestyle changes, if you can adopt this as your new morning routine, you’ll find yourself on the fast track to creating the life you really desire. Each and every day you’ll be gaining momentum and moving steadily towards achieving your goals.
You really can change your life one hour at a time. Always remember:Predicting your future??? Click here
