Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Blueprint for Success

A Blueprint for Success
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What Is Success?

Have you ever stopped to think about what it really means to be successful?
In today's materialistic society, many people equate a person’s success to the size of
their bank account. But is this
an accurate indicator of success?
Consider these examples:
Example 1: Dr Smith
Dr Smith is an orthopedic surgeon.
He drives a top of the range BMW and earns over $250,000 each year. His normal
workday begins at 7 a.m. with operations at a private hospital. By 10 a.m. he arrives
at his consulting rooms where he sees patients until 6 p.m.
At 7 p.m. he returns to the hospital to complete his rounds and paperwork. He
generally gets home around 9:30 p.m. and usually works six days a week. Dr Smith
is married and has two young children who rarely see their father.
Is Dr Smith a success?

No - To many people, Dr Smith appears to be successful, but his career
achievements comes at a very high price which includes his personal health and
family life.
Examples 2: Mike Jones

Mike Jones appeared on a popular reality television program. Thanks to his
undeniable singing ability, good looks, and charisma, he won the national
competition and his debut album rocketed to number one.
He was immediately thrust into the world of celebrity and vowed to make the most
of his time in the spotlight. One year after the competition, Mike Jones’ records are
still selling strongly but his national tour is postponed amid rumors of his ongoing
battle with drugs and alcohol.
names are used for the purpose of illustrating examples, any resemblance to actual persons is entirely coincidental Fictitious
names are used for the purpose of illustrating examples, any resemblance to actual persons is entirely coincidental
Is Mike Jones a success?

No - Mike Jones has fame and fortune but his personal life is a disaster.
These two examples illustrate the point that there is more to success than just the
number of digits in a person's bank balance.
True success
is not something you buy, but rather, something that you build over
And as with any building project, your success is very much dependent on having a
good blueprint to follow.
A Blueprint for Success
Here is my favorite definition of success:

“A successful person is one who has health,
love, money, personal fulfillment and
makes a valuable contribution to the world”

An easy way to remember this definition is to think of success as a platform
supported by 5 pillars as shown below.

The 5 Pillars Of Success

Pillar 1 – Health

Our health is something we often take for granted. However, the moment we
become ill or injured we immediately realize just how important our health really is.
In addition to supporting our daily activities, there are two reasons why health is so
important to achieving success.
The first is that getting fit requires many of the characteristics necessary to achieve
success in any endeavor, these include focus, discipline, and consistency. Therefore,
improving your health is the ideal ‘training ground’ for achieving goals in other
areas of your life.
The second reason health is so important to achieving success is that
your self-confidence and self-esteem more than improving your fitness level.
Pillar 2 – Love
In my opinion,
most important thing in life is to spend time with the people you
love. Imagine for a moment, an old man lying on his deathbed. Is it likely that his
last words will be, "I wish I spent more time at the office"
It is much more likely his regrets will relate to not spending more time with his
family and closest friends.
Pillar 3 – Money
Money is not an end in itself. Simply having a lot of money sitting in a bank account
is no great achievement. The true value of money comes from the opportunities it
provides. Opportunities to live, learn, grow, and most importantly, to help others.
Pillar 4 - Personal Fulfillment
This pillar relates to the things you’ve always wanted to do just for yourself. It often
includes goals such as learning to play a musical instrument, traveling to exciting
locations or perhaps learning a second language.
Pillar 5 – Contribution
The final pillar of your success platform is the pillar of contribution. This pillar
relates to the positive contribution you make to the people, community, and world around you.

Success Profiles

Using the definition of success described in the previous section, everyone has a
success profile that describes where they are today. This profile is a useful tool for
identifying the areas of your life you need to work on.

For example, let's consider Dr Smith who we met at the beginning of this report.
Given his current lifestyle, Dr Smith’s success profile would look something like this
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Due to his demanding work schedule, Dr Smith completely ignores his personal
health and as we’ve already scene, he spends very little time with his family.
Although Dr Smith has raised his success platform to a high level, it is clearly
unstable. For Dr Smith, the big danger is this…

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The main areas that Dr Smith needs to focus on to make his success platform stable are his personal health and his relationships.
If he does not build these pillars, his success platform may indeed collapse. This
could take the form of a unforeseen illness or a traumatic divorce...

Your Success Profile

The first step to creating the life of your dreams is to figure out where you are starting from today.

Drawing Your Success Profile
Use your answers to draw your own success profile below. For example if you put
down a 6 out of 10 for your health, then draw your health column up to the 6 line.

Please don’t worry if your success platform is unstable or is not as high as you
would like. This exercise is all about finding out where you are today and
identifying the areas of your life that you need to work on.
When you have drawn your success profile....
Identifying Your Goals
The final step of the process is to review your answers to the previous questions and
identify your specific goals.
To achieve this blue print of success..Click here
To download pdf file complete of blue print to success click here

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